MarYam Hamedani, PhD
Behavioral Scientist
Executive Director @ Stanford SPARQ
Stanford SPARQ
I'm Executive Director and Senior Research Scientist at Stanford SPARQ, a behavioral science "do tank" at Stanford University that makes change by bringing researchers and practitioners together.
I study and put into practice strategies to combat bias, reduce disparities, and drive culture change. I'm a culture and inequality researcher who partners with public and private sector leaders.
Explore samples of my work both translating research insights for application and creating tools and resources for schools, workplaces, and other kinds of organizations.
We built this culture - so we can change it
Check out my new article sharing seven science-backed principles for changing cultures to combat social inequality. For the story behind the work, read this interview with my coauthors Hazel Markus and Jennifer Eberhardt in Insights by Stanford Business.
Photos: Sarah Deragon @; J A N U P R A S A D, Chris Slupski, Jeff Sheldon, and Ross Findon on Unsplash